

淡忘那伤 已关注


1. 单例模式(Singleton Pattern)


  1. class Singleton:
  2. _instance = None
  3. def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
  4. if not cls._instance:
  5. cls._instance = super(Singleton, cls).__new__(cls, *args, **kwargs)
  6. return cls._instance
  7. # 使用
  8. singleton1 = Singleton()
  9. singleton2 = Singleton()
  10. print(singleton1 is singleton2) # 输出: True

2. 工厂模式(Factory Pattern)


  1. class Shape:
  2. def draw(self):
  3. pass
  4. class Circle(Shape):
  5. def draw(self):
  6. return "Drawing a Circle"
  7. class Square(Shape):
  8. def draw(self):
  9. return "Drawing a Square"
  10. class ShapeFactory:
  11. @staticmethod
  12. def create_shape(type):
  13. if type == "circle":
  14. return Circle()
  15. elif type == "square":
  16. return Square()
  17. else:
  18. raise ValueError("Unknown shape type")
  19. # 使用
  20. factory = ShapeFactory()
  21. circle = factory.create_shape("circle")
  22. print(circle.draw()) # 输出: Drawing a Circle

3. 观察者模式(Observer Pattern)


  1. class Observer:
  2. def update(self, message):
  3. pass
  4. class Subject:
  5. def __init__(self):
  6. self._observers = []
  7. def attach(self, observer):
  8. self._observers.append(observer)
  9. def detach(self, observer):
  10. self._observers.remove(observer)
  11. def notify(self, message):
  12. for observer in self._observers:
  13. observer.update(message)
  14. class ConcreteObserver(Observer):
  15. def update(self, message):
  16. print(f"Received message: {message}")
  17. # 使用
  18. subject = Subject()
  19. observer1 = ConcreteObserver()
  20. observer2 = ConcreteObserver()
  21. subject.attach(observer1)
  22. subject.attach(observer2)
  23. subject.notify("Hello Observers!") # 所有观察者将收到该消息

4. 策略模式(Strategy Pattern)


  1. class Strategy:
  2. def execute(self, data):
  3. pass
  4. class ConcreteStrategyA(Strategy):
  5. def execute(self, data):
  6. return f"Strategy A with {data}"
  7. class ConcreteStrategyB(Strategy):
  8. def execute(self, data):
  9. return f"Strategy B with {data}"
  10. class Context:
  11. def __init__(self, strategy: Strategy):
  12. self._strategy = strategy
  13. def set_strategy(self, strategy: Strategy):
  14. self._strategy = strategy
  15. def do_something(self, data):
  16. return self._strategy.execute(data)
  17. # 使用
  18. context = Context(ConcreteStrategyA())
  19. print(context.do_something("Data")) # 输出: Strategy A with Data
  20. context.set_strategy(ConcreteStrategyB())
  21. print(context.do_something("Data")) # 输出: Strategy B with Data


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