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  1. public class MyArrayList<T> {
  2. private Object[] elements;
  3. private int size;
  4. private static final int DEFAULT_CAPACITY = 10;
  5. // Constructor with default capacity
  6. public MyArrayList() {
  7. this.elements = new Object[DEFAULT_CAPACITY];
  8. this.size = 0;
  9. }
  10. // Constructor with custom capacity
  11. public MyArrayList(int initialCapacity) {
  12. if (initialCapacity < 0) {
  13. throw new IllegalArgumentException("Capacity must be non-negative");
  14. }
  15. this.elements = new Object[initialCapacity];
  16. this.size = 0;
  17. }
  18. // Adds an element to the end of the list
  19. public void add(T element) {
  20. ensureCapacity(size + 1);
  21. elements[size++] = element;
  22. }
  23. // Ensures there's enough capacity to hold new elements
  24. private void ensureCapacity(int minCapacity) {
  25. if (minCapacity > elements.length) {
  26. int newCapacity = elements.length * 2;
  27. if (newCapacity < minCapacity) {
  28. newCapacity = minCapacity;
  29. }
  30. Object[] newElements = new Object[newCapacity];
  31. System.arraycopy(elements, 0, newElements, 0, size);
  32. elements = newElements;
  33. }
  34. }
  35. // Retrieves an element at a specified index
  36. public T get(int index) {
  37. checkIndex(index);
  38. return (T) elements[index];
  39. }
  40. // Removes an element at a specified index
  41. public T remove(int index) {
  42. checkIndex(index);
  43. T oldValue = (T) elements[index];
  44. int numMoved = size - index - 1;
  45. if (numMoved > 0) {
  46. System.arraycopy(elements, index + 1, elements, index, numMoved);
  47. }
  48. elements[--size] = null; // Clear to let GC do its work
  49. return oldValue;
  50. }
  51. // Returns the number of elements in the list
  52. public int size() {
  53. return size;
  54. }
  55. // Checks if an index is within the bounds of the list
  56. private void checkIndex(int index) {
  57. if (index < 0 || index >= size) {
  58. throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("Index: " + index + ", Size: " + size);
  59. }
  60. }
  61. // Example usage
  62. public static void main(String[] args) {
  63. MyArrayList<Integer> list = new MyArrayList<>();
  64. list.add(1);
  65. list.add(2);
  66. list.add(3);
  67. System.out.println("Element at index 1: " + list.get(1)); // Output: 2
  68. System.out.println("List size: " + list.size()); // Output: 3
  69. list.remove(1);
  70. System.out.println("List size after removal: " + list.size()); // Output: 2
  71. }
  72. }


  1. 数据存储:使用一个数组来存储元素。
  2. 动态扩容ensureCapacity方法用于在添加新元素时,检查并增加数组容量。
  3. 添加元素add方法用于在列表末尾添加元素。
  4. 获取元素get方法通过索引获取元素。
  5. 删除元素remove方法通过索引移除元素,并调整后续元素的位置。
  6. 边界检查checkIndex用于确保索引在有效范围内。


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