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  1. import java.text.DecimalFormat;
  2. import java.util.ArrayList;
  3. import java.util.List;
  4. class LoanPayment {
  5. private int month;
  6. private double principalPayment;
  7. private double interestPayment;
  8. private double totalPayment;
  9. private double remainingPrincipal;
  10. public LoanPayment(int month, double principalPayment, double interestPayment, double totalPayment, double remainingPrincipal) {
  11. this.month = month;
  12. this.principalPayment = principalPayment;
  13. this.interestPayment = interestPayment;
  14. this.totalPayment = totalPayment;
  15. this.remainingPrincipal = remainingPrincipal;
  16. }
  17. // Getters for the attributes
  18. // ...
  19. @Override
  20. public String toString() {
  21. DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("#.##");
  22. return "Month: " + month +
  23. ", Principal Payment: " + df.format(principalPayment) +
  24. ", Interest Payment: " + df.format(interestPayment) +
  25. ", Total Payment: " + df.format(totalPayment) +
  26. ", Remaining Principal: " + df.format(remainingPrincipal);
  27. }
  28. }
  29. public class EqualPrincipalCalculator {
  30. public static List<LoanPayment> calculateEqualPrincipal(double loanAmount, double annualInterestRate, int totalMonths) {
  31. List<LoanPayment> paymentSchedule = new ArrayList<>();
  32. double monthlyPrincipal = loanAmount / totalMonths;
  33. double remainingPrincipal = loanAmount;
  34. for (int month = 1; month <= totalMonths; month++) {
  35. double monthlyInterest = remainingPrincipal * (annualInterestRate / 12 / 100);
  36. double totalPayment = monthlyPrincipal + monthlyInterest;
  37. remainingPrincipal -= monthlyPrincipal;
  38. // Store the payment details for this month
  39. LoanPayment payment = new LoanPayment(month, monthlyPrincipal, monthlyInterest, totalPayment, remainingPrincipal);
  40. paymentSchedule.add(payment);
  41. }
  42. return paymentSchedule;
  43. }
  44. public static void main(String[] args) {
  45. double loanAmount = 1000000; // 贷款金额
  46. double annualInterestRate = 5; // 年利率,如5%
  47. int totalMonths = 240; // 贷款期限,如20年则240个月
  48. List<LoanPayment> schedule = calculateEqualPrincipal(loanAmount, annualInterestRate, totalMonths);
  49. for (LoanPayment payment : schedule) {
  50. System.out.println(payment);
  51. }
  52. }
  53. }


  1. 参数说明

    • loanAmount: 贷款总额。
    • annualInterestRate: 年利率(百分数形式)。
    • totalMonths: 贷款总月数。
  2. 计算步骤

    • 每月本金monthlyPrincipal = loanAmount / totalMonths,这是每月固定的还款本金。
    • 每月循环计算
      • 计算当月利息:monthlyInterest = remainingPrincipal * (annualInterestRate / 12 / 100)
      • 计算总还款:totalPayment = monthlyPrincipal + monthlyInterest
      • 减去当月还款本金:remainingPrincipal -= monthlyPrincipal
      • 存储每月的还款信息。
  3. 结果展示

    • 使用DecimalFormat格式化输出,确保小数点后两位。
    • 打印每月的还款详情,包括月份、本金、利息、总还款以及剩余本金。


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