
Mandriva Linux

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Mandriva Linux was a Linux distribution that was first released in 1998. It was based on the Red Hat Linux distribution and aimed to provide a user-friendly desktop operating system.

Mandriva Linux had a focus on ease of use, offering a graphical installation process and a user-friendly desktop environment. It included various software applications for office productivity, internet browsing, multimedia, and more.

One of the standout features of Mandriva Linux was its control center, which provided a centralized location for configuring various aspects of the operating system.

Over the years, Mandriva Linux went through several name changes and ownership changes. It was briefly known as Mandrake Linux after the company that developed it, MandrakeSoft. Later, it became Mandriva Linux after a merger with the Brazilian company Conectiva.

However, due to financial troubles and other issues, Mandriva Linux eventually ceased development in 2011. Some of its technologies and assets were later utilized by other Linux distributions like Mageia and OpenMandriva.

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